What is grounding for me?
27 years ago I began my meditation practice. Every morning 5 minutes for one year. I kept returning because of the subtle changes I felt within me. Connecting me to the earth and all the natural sounds and beauty.
Be Still & Notice
During my recovery from hip replacement surgery just 5 weeks ago, I innately knew that my spiritual journey would evolve in some way due to my lack of mobility. Because I practice as much as possible to be in the moment, and allow ‘life’ to unfold, being still and noticing the small things became my anchor. Whether it was icing numerous times a day or walking inside our house from room to room, the pausing and noticing became my new way of being, and appreciating the small things became my mantra. I am grateful that I can walk, I am grateful for my breath, I am grateful I can see. It made my heart ache for those that don’t have these life basics, so special prayers went out every night as I laid my head to sleep. Waking in the morning I felt so refreshed and blessed to continue the blessings and the prayers for those in our smaller and larger world.
April is a time of renewal with fresh blooms awaiting their time to burst! The same can be true for all of us humans. My personal prayer mantra became, “Dear God, renew a right spirit within me so I can receive your grace and go into the world to extend your blessings”
Every day we are given is a gift, may you see the innate beauty within you and the courage to share your beauty, as Terry Hershey states, “ When we bury our own courage, we disconnect from faith, hope and love. That is what was enforced for me during this time of recovery, through patience, faith and courage, I saw a clearer picture and realized with a deeper meaning that pausing and being still enough is what is necessary to feel the innate beauty that is within each of us.
And…that God gives us an opportunity everyday to experience heaven on earth… let us pause, be still and notice.
Namaste my friends, love and light